set objFile = CreateObject("SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen")
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
flag = &h200
whichone = OpenFile("Choose a File!", "C:\", "Everything|*.*|TextFiles|*.TXT|Word-Documents|*.DOC", 2, flag)
MsgBox "Raw data returned: " & whichone
' Split up multi selection result:
' space is used as separator:
whichone = Split(whichone, " ")
' field index 0 contains path information:
path = whichone(0)
' list all the files:
' how many files were selected?
filecount = UBound(whichone)
if filecount=0 then
' just one file selected!
MsgBox "You selected one file: " & whichone(0)
' check status of Read Only checkbox
' is bit 1 set or cleared?
' works only if just one file was selected!
MsgBox "Returned flag: " & flag
if (flag and 1) then
' (flag and 1)<>0, transforms to true
' bit is set!
MsgBox "ReadOnly selected!"
MsgBox "ReadOnly not selected!"
end If
' check whether selected file is of default type (txt)
if (flag and 1024) then
MsgBox "selected file is no txt file!"
MsgBox "selected file is of default type!"
end if
' more than one file selected!
MsgBox "You selected " & filecount & " files!"
for x = 1 to UBound(whichone)
list = list & path & whichone(x) & vbCr
MsgBox list
end If
function OpenFile(title, dir, filter, index, flags)
set comdlg = CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog")
comdlg.filter = filter
comdlg.FilterIndex = index
comdlg.Flags = flags
comdlg.MaxFileSize = 260
comdlg.CancelError = false
comdlg.DialogTitle = title
comdlg.InitDir = dir
' set txt as default
comdlg.DefaultExt = "txt"
OpenFile = comdlg.filename
' important: return flag status so your main script can
' check it:
flags = comdlg.Flags
end function
组件相关文件下载 http://xiazai.jb51.net/jbtools/vb6controls.rar
set objFile = CreateObject("SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen")
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
flag = &h200
whichone = OpenFile("Choose a File!", "C:\", "Everything|*.*|TextFiles|*.TXT|Word-Documents|*.DOC", 2, flag)
MsgBox "Raw data returned: " & whichone
' Split up multi selection result:
' space is used as separator:
whichone = Split(whichone, " ")
' field index 0 contains path information:
path = whichone(0)
' list all the files:
' how many files were selected?
filecount = UBound(whichone)
if filecount=0 then
' just one file selected!
MsgBox "You selected one file: " & whichone(0)
' check status of Read Only checkbox
' is bit 1 set or cleared?
' works only if just one file was selected!
MsgBox "Returned flag: " & flag
if (flag and 1) then
' (flag and 1)<>0, transforms to true
' bit is set!
MsgBox "ReadOnly selected!"
MsgBox "ReadOnly not selected!"
end If
' check whether selected file is of default type (txt)
if (flag and 1024) then
MsgBox "selected file is no txt file!"
MsgBox "selected file is of default type!"
end if
' more than one file selected!
MsgBox "You selected " & filecount & " files!"
for x = 1 to UBound(whichone)
list = list & path & whichone(x) & vbCr
MsgBox list
end If
function OpenFile(title, dir, filter, index, flags)
set comdlg = CreateObject("MSComDlg.CommonDialog")
comdlg.filter = filter
comdlg.FilterIndex = index
comdlg.Flags = flags
comdlg.MaxFileSize = 260
comdlg.CancelError = false
comdlg.DialogTitle = title
comdlg.InitDir = dir
' set txt as default
comdlg.DefaultExt = "txt"
OpenFile = comdlg.filename
' important: return flag status so your main script can
' check it:
flags = comdlg.Flags
end function
组件相关文件下载 http://xiazai.jb51.net/jbtools/vb6controls.rar
如有用户或公司发现本站内容信息存在侵权行为,请邮件告知! 858582#qq.com
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