' The .NET PetShop Blueprint Application WebSite Setup
' File: CreateWeb.vbs
' Date: November 10, 2001
' Creates a new vdir for this project. Set vName to name of folder on disk
' that holds the files.
' Copyright (C) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Option Explicit
dim vPath
dim scriptPath
dim vName
vName="PetShop" ' name of web to create
' *****************************************************************************
' 1. Create the IIS Virtual Directory
' *****************************************************************************
' get current path to folder and add web name to it
scriptPath = left(Wscript.ScriptFullName,len(Wscript.ScriptFullName ) -len(Wscript.ScriptName))
vPath = scriptPath & "Web"
'call to create vDir
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Helper Functions
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Creates a single Virtual Directory (code taken from mkwebdir.vbs and
' changed for single vDir creation).
Sub CreateVDir(vPath)
Dim vRoot,vDir,webSite
On Error Resume Next
' get the local host default web
set webSite = findWeb("localhost", "Default Web Site")
if IsObject(webSite)=False then
Display "Unable to locate the Default Web Site"
exit sub
'display webSite.name
end if
' get the root
set vRoot = webSite.GetObject("IIsWebVirtualDir", "Root")
If (Err <> 0) Then
Display "Unable to access root for " & webSite.ADsPath
Exit sub
'display vRoot.name
End IF
' delete existing web if needed
vRoot.Delete "IIsWebVirtualDir",vName
Err=0 ' reset error
' create the new web
Set vDir = vRoot.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir",vName)
If (Err <> 0) Then
Display "Unable to create " & vRoot.ADsPath & "/" & vName & "."
exit sub
'display vdir.name
end if
' set properties on the new web
vDir.AccessRead = true
vDir.Path = vPath
vDir.Accessflags = 529
VDir.AppCreate False
If (Err <> 0) Then
Display "Unable to bind path " & vPath & " to " & vRoot.Name & "/" & vName & ". Path may be invalid."
exit sub
end If
' commit changes
If (Err <> 0) Then
Display "Unable to save changes for " & vRoot.Name & "/" & vName & "."
exit sub
end if
' report all ok
WScript.Echo Now & " " & vName & " virtual directory " & vRoot.Name & "/" & vname & " created successfully."
End Sub
' Finds the specified web.
Function findWeb(computer, webname)
On Error Resume Next
Dim websvc, site
dim webinfo
Dim aBinding, binding
set websvc = GetObject("IIS://"&computer&"/W3svc")
if (Err <> 0) then
exit function
end if
' First try to open the webname.
set site = websvc.GetObject("IIsWebServer", webname)
if (Err = 0) and (not isNull(site)) then
if (site.class = "IIsWebServer") then
' Here we found a site that is a web server.
set findWeb = site
exit function
end if
end if
for each site in websvc
if site.class = "IIsWebServer" then
' First, check to see if the ServerComment
' matches
If site.ServerComment = webname Then
set findWeb = site
exit function
End If
if (IsArray(aBinding)) then
if aBinding(0) = "" then
binding = Null
binding = getBinding(aBinding(0))
end if
if aBinding = "" then
binding = Null
binding = getBinding(aBinding)
end if
end if
if IsArray(binding) then
if (binding(2) = webname) or (binding(0) = webname) then
set findWeb = site
exit function
End If
end if
end if
End Function
' Gets binding info.
function getBinding(bindstr)
Dim one, two, ia, ip, hn
end function
' Displays error message.
Sub Display(Msg)
WScript.Echo Now & ". Error Code: " & Hex(Err) & " - " & Msg
End Sub
' Display progress/trace message.
Sub Trace(Msg)
WScript.Echo Now & " : " & Msg
End Sub
' Remove the web.
Sub DeleteWeb(WebServer, WebName)
' delete the exsiting web (ignore error if missing)
On Error Resume Next
Dim vDir
display "deleting " & WebName
WebServer.Delete "IISWebVirtualDir",WebName
If Err=0 Then
DISPLAY "WEB " & WebName & " deleted."
display "can't find " & webname
End If
End Sub
' The .NET PetShop Blueprint Application WebSite Setup
' File: CreateWeb.vbs
' Date: November 10, 2001
' Creates a new vdir for this project. Set vName to name of folder on disk
' that holds the files.
' Copyright (C) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Option Explicit
dim vPath
dim scriptPath
dim vName
vName="PetShop" ' name of web to create
' *****************************************************************************
' 1. Create the IIS Virtual Directory
' *****************************************************************************
' get current path to folder and add web name to it
scriptPath = left(Wscript.ScriptFullName,len(Wscript.ScriptFullName ) -len(Wscript.ScriptName))
vPath = scriptPath & "Web"
'call to create vDir
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Helper Functions
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Creates a single Virtual Directory (code taken from mkwebdir.vbs and
' changed for single vDir creation).
Sub CreateVDir(vPath)
Dim vRoot,vDir,webSite
On Error Resume Next
' get the local host default web
set webSite = findWeb("localhost", "Default Web Site")
if IsObject(webSite)=False then
Display "Unable to locate the Default Web Site"
exit sub
'display webSite.name
end if
' get the root
set vRoot = webSite.GetObject("IIsWebVirtualDir", "Root")
If (Err <> 0) Then
Display "Unable to access root for " & webSite.ADsPath
Exit sub
'display vRoot.name
End IF
' delete existing web if needed
vRoot.Delete "IIsWebVirtualDir",vName
Err=0 ' reset error
' create the new web
Set vDir = vRoot.Create("IIsWebVirtualDir",vName)
If (Err <> 0) Then
Display "Unable to create " & vRoot.ADsPath & "/" & vName & "."
exit sub
'display vdir.name
end if
' set properties on the new web
vDir.AccessRead = true
vDir.Path = vPath
vDir.Accessflags = 529
VDir.AppCreate False
If (Err <> 0) Then
Display "Unable to bind path " & vPath & " to " & vRoot.Name & "/" & vName & ". Path may be invalid."
exit sub
end If
' commit changes
If (Err <> 0) Then
Display "Unable to save changes for " & vRoot.Name & "/" & vName & "."
exit sub
end if
' report all ok
WScript.Echo Now & " " & vName & " virtual directory " & vRoot.Name & "/" & vname & " created successfully."
End Sub
' Finds the specified web.
Function findWeb(computer, webname)
On Error Resume Next
Dim websvc, site
dim webinfo
Dim aBinding, binding
set websvc = GetObject("IIS://"&computer&"/W3svc")
if (Err <> 0) then
exit function
end if
' First try to open the webname.
set site = websvc.GetObject("IIsWebServer", webname)
if (Err = 0) and (not isNull(site)) then
if (site.class = "IIsWebServer") then
' Here we found a site that is a web server.
set findWeb = site
exit function
end if
end if
for each site in websvc
if site.class = "IIsWebServer" then
' First, check to see if the ServerComment
' matches
If site.ServerComment = webname Then
set findWeb = site
exit function
End If
if (IsArray(aBinding)) then
if aBinding(0) = "" then
binding = Null
binding = getBinding(aBinding(0))
end if
if aBinding = "" then
binding = Null
binding = getBinding(aBinding)
end if
end if
if IsArray(binding) then
if (binding(2) = webname) or (binding(0) = webname) then
set findWeb = site
exit function
End If
end if
end if
End Function
' Gets binding info.
function getBinding(bindstr)
Dim one, two, ia, ip, hn
end function
' Displays error message.
Sub Display(Msg)
WScript.Echo Now & ". Error Code: " & Hex(Err) & " - " & Msg
End Sub
' Display progress/trace message.
Sub Trace(Msg)
WScript.Echo Now & " : " & Msg
End Sub
' Remove the web.
Sub DeleteWeb(WebServer, WebName)
' delete the exsiting web (ignore error if missing)
On Error Resume Next
Dim vDir
display "deleting " & WebName
WebServer.Delete "IISWebVirtualDir",WebName
If Err=0 Then
DISPLAY "WEB " & WebName & " deleted."
display "can't find " & webname
End If
End Sub
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